Mr. E.N.Thambi Durai, founder of Durai Group Companies, after completing his Post Graduate Dip. in Foreign Trade in the University of Madras established T.Durai & Co. in 1983 with a meagre capital of US$ 230 only and now the group has grown into a multi faceted one with a capital base of over US$ 5million, due to his hard work and true acumenship.

Mr. Durai, a born natural philanthropist has always had his success formula as uniqueness in Quality, Quality... And nothing but Quality. This had earned him great laurels from the very tough quality conscious Japanese & Germans, where 75% of his exports are targeted.

Commencing his business as an exporter in the 80's, he diversified into imports in the Year 2003 due to the changing scenario in the Indian Sub-continent trade patterns, as well as the surging economic situation of the country.

He is the receipient of many national awards, the most important being the Export Award for the years 2000-01, 2001-02, 2002-03, 2003-04, 2005-06 and Top Exporter Award for 2006-07 from CAPEXCIL, the Ministry of Commerce, Govt. of India.

Mr. Durai had travelled to many countries across the globe many times, and where ever he had met a business man, he had become his regular customer until now.Having strongly established his export activities, now Mr. Durai is on diversification into imports of many items of interest of day to day living. His vision is to give opportunity to more and more employees and thus always in the process of increasing his business territory.

T. DURAI & Co. (Manufacturers & Exporters of Buttons) had been awarded the prestigious INTERNATIONAL STAR AWARD FOR QUALITY-2006, at the 31st International WQC Convention - Geneva, Switzerland in Oct. 2006, in recognition of the commitment, consistency to quality, leadership, technology and innovation which make models for other companies of their sectors. This is one among the 93 awardees from 47 countries around the globe and had been chosen from a vast list carefully listed from more than 173 countries. In India, my company T.Durai & Co., CICO(Construction Chemicals in India) Technologies and Videsh Sanchar Nagam Ltd (VSNL) were the recipient of this award this year.

Other important companies received this year award came from Portugal, Russia, United Kingdom, Canada, Algeria, Africa, Angola, Oman, Nigeria, China, Romania, Germany, Bulgaria, Mexico, Libya, Costa Rica, Vietnam, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Tanzania, Cameroon, Kazakhstan, Egypt, Ecuador, Albania, to name a few.

We welcome each of you to participate in our dynasty.

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